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June 4, 2008

We made it to Red Hook, New york

So those who are reading this we made it to Red Hook, New York. Yesterday we stop at Hersey, Pennsylvania at the Hersey factory. And it was a lot of fun. We had a good time and I was very happy. We got a lot of cholacte. I want to go back again someday soon. We got a lot of cool stuff. We have worker badges, we have a tour picture and we got chocolate bars with are pictures on the wrapers. Right now we are chiling out playing Gautair Hero 2. I guess tonight the four Iowa kids are going to go see a movie. And tomorrow we are seeing "Kung Fu Pandna." We'll I have to get off and let someone else have the computer.
P.S. Mom thank you for the shout

1 comment:

Sheryl said...

Looks like the penguin is having more fun than you are! hehehehe